Reduce and Repeat

Part 2 of 5 “Go slow to go fast.” Slowing it down is the second way to ease the side-effects of clearing clutter.* Anytime a task becomes too overwhelming and threatens to stall your [...]

Press Pause, Step Back

Part 1 of 5 There couldn’t be a more perfect way to introduce the first (of five) ways to ease the side-effects of clearing clutter, than to share a question I received from a reader: [...]

Side-Effects of Clearing Clutter

“Pain happens, suffering is optional.” –Alberto Villoldo It took me years to discover that every time I cleared a drawer or a closet I would come away feeling more congested and [...]

Why You Matter

“You are the truth from foot to brow. Now, what else would you like to know?” – Rumi There’s a blogger I’ve been following named Seth Godin. I like the way he thinks. I [...]