A Simple Clearing Practice You Can Do (Right Now)

“If this clearing technique doesn’t seem like it accomplishes very much, that’s because from the mind’s point of view, it doesn’t. This exercise is designed to access a deeper inner knowing [...]

Space Clearing: Compassion is Key

“Stress patterns that keep our homes, workplaces, and lives in a constant state of imbalance have a way of vaporizing in the presence of pure, elegant compassion.” –sbv Part 6 of 7 * [...]

Shining Light on Fear

“One minute you are feeling calm, self possessed, happy. Then fear, disguised in the garb of mild-mannered doubt, slips into your mind like a spy.” –Yann Martel, Life of Pi I’m in Mexico as [...]

Space Clearing: The Dazzling Effect

Part 2 of 7* After almost two decades in the business of clearing spaces, I sometimes wonder why I didn’t get into feng shui, or interior design for that matter. These professions are so [...]

Space Clearing: What is It Exactly?

Yesterday I cleared a Zagat Award-winning Japanese restaurant in the heart of Cambridge, Massachusetts. This was not me helping the client sort and toss boxes from their storage area. Nor set up [...]

Simplify, Simplify…

“Our life is frittered away by detail… simplify, simplify.” –Henry David Thoreau A big low-pressure system seems to have moved in to affect my entire household. First a [...]