“Change happens slowly, then all at once.”–Your Spacious Self. No sooner had my husband and I returned from a six-month sabbatical in Mexico than we went on a top-to-bottom tear of [...]
This is a photo of my wedding shoes. I wore them just once on my wedding day 29 years ago and I’ve kept them neatly in this box ever since. Why? Because these grass-stained relics remind me [...]
Marianne Williamson posted a beautiful prayer on her Facebook page recently in response to an email she received from a woman in the Ukraine, grieving for her people. Wow. What a prayer. It is as [...]
“Look for the order within the chaos… Moving into a new house has created a sort of upheaval and chaos. About a week ago I decided to take one drawer in the kitchen and make it [...]
The word “labor” sounds so… um, painful. And exhausting. Yet, we spend most of our days unconsciously laboring and efforting. Laboring at the computer, laboring over what to wear, [...]
The inspirational piece below by Pema Chödrön is, in a nutshell, what I would call clearing. Allowing your feelings to arise – without resisting them, or judging them, or fixating on them – [...]
It’s been almost five months since I launched my second online course on DailyOM – a 365-day journey in letting go called A Year to Clear What’s Holding You Back! In a culture of [...]
As I see it there is clearing and there is clearing. There is the old paradigm of clearing clutter that makes us feel bad when we fail and sets us up for disappointment, again and again. And [...]
“I live by the truth that ‘No’ is a complete sentence.” –Anne Lamott, O Magazine. Here’s another excerpt from Your Spacious Self with a simple practice that will help you learn [...]
“It just ain’t possible to explain some things. It’s interesting to wonder on them and do some speculation, but the main thing is you have to accept it – take it for what it is [...]