Money Vibrates

“How many times have you passed a penny on the street without bending down to pick it up? Don’t you think a penny is money? Penny has a mother, her name is dime.  Dime has a father; [...]

Turning On the Joy Channel

“Struggle and joy are not on the same channel.” –Abraham-Hicks If you could have what you wanted, would you take it? This short video by Abraham-Hicks suggests that you go for what [...]

An Intention Experiment

In keeping with the theme of increasing abundance, attracting what you most desire, and raising the energy of the planet, I offer this invitation from Dr. Joe Vitale to anybody for whom it [...]

Signs of Change

Can you feel it too? There’s something in the air – and it’s not just that my most favorite show on television So You Think You Can Dance had its best finale ever [read: out of body [...]