“Awareness is like the sky. The emotions are… like birds that are crossing the sky. They come and they go.”–Ram Dass Enjoy this excerpt from A Year to Clear: What most clearing [...]
Last week’s post was an opportunity to take a peek in the closet. (Read it here). Today’s post is an opportunity to take the next step. It might be helpful to remember that focusing [...]
Feeling and witnessing a task or a stressful situation in the present moment does a magical thing: it releases stuck energy, quiets the mind, helps us detach more easily, and creates openings [...]
“Added up, objects become clutter. Clutter becomes noise. And noise—in all of its forms—blocks spiritual growth, starting with an inability to simply feel happy. Happiness needs [...]
I love it when see the mainstream get how spaces affect us, reflect us, support us, and… oppress us. At the end of the day choosing where to spend our time can make all the difference in [...]
“Nothing has more power to transform than awareness. When you become complete inside yourself, the worst conditions don’t matter.” –Deepak Chopra If you read “Massaging a [...]