Coming Clear: Confessions of a Packrat

“I want to shed my waste with quiet reverence like the pine… Keep me mindful of what I take into my home, the items brought to substitute for real living…Help me slowly to surrender all excess.” [...]

Lost and Found in Letting Go

“An organized clutter of thoughts consumed me – pulled me through the fog of grief that had settled….and then the memorial was done.  There was nothing left to organize, nothing left to [...]

Extreme Clearing vs. The Slow-Drip Effect

“Change happens slowly, then all at once.” – Jay W. Vogt Thanks to Mother Nature and major flooding in our area, we got a head start clearing the junk in our basement this year. Not [...]

Where The Mind Goes, Energy Flows

An old Cherokee chief is teaching his grandson about life: “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil [...]

Cultivating Ease

Ease. For such a little word, it lingers and expands if you say it out loud. Repeat it slowly – with awareness – and you might even feel your nervous system relax. Insert the phrase “I [...]