No Home, No Have

“How we hold the simplest of our tasks speaks loudly about how we hold life itself. – Gunilla Norris, Being Home “I once saw a staggering statistic in Newsweek: ‘It takes the average [...]

November: Ho Hum or Oh Yum!

November is like the middle child, caught between the October’s extroverted color displays and December’s tingly lightness. November in New England is the unspectacular sibling, [...]

Cultivating Simplicity

Here’s something I don’t understand: Seeing a drainer full of dry dishes getting piled onto by a layer of wet ones because nobody bothers to put away the original set. Am I the only [...]

Gathering Our Self

I love the simplicity of venturing out every week to the local CSA farm where we get our produce. Tromping through the fields to gather fresh flowers, pick raspberries (which never make it past [...]