Feeling Rumi

“Let the beauty we love be what we do.”–Rumi I re-discovered Rumi last week. I went on the internet looking for something else and landed on a very unassuming site that had something [...]

Choosing Ease

“Life by the inch is a cinch. Life by the yard is hard.”–Unknown In my book Your Spacious Self I offer a series of phrases that are designed to relieve and release the build-up of [...]

House Blessing

“On the threshold the entire past And the endless future Rush to meet one another.” –Gunilla Norris, Being Home My friend Nancy and her husband are building a house from scratch in their hometown [...]

Space Clearing: Compassion is Key

“Stress patterns that keep our homes, workplaces, and lives in a constant state of imbalance have a way of vaporizing in the presence of pure, elegant compassion.” –sbv Part 6 of 7 * [...]

Being With Loss

How is it possible to allow loss to simply be? To allow that things sometimes don’t add up, make sense, or work out? I’m still in shock and recovery over the fact that my laptop [...]

Extreme Makeover, Blog Style

Three months living in the starter home neighborhood of “Blogland” and I’ve got to move. The house is way too small for me. I need more rooms with direct access and signs on the doors [...]