Summer 2010 – When in Rome

“Respond to every call that excites your spirit.” -Rumi I just returned from a glorious two-weeks in France and Italy, compliments of dear friends who invited us, and many [...]

Airing Out The Heirlooms

Just read a terrific New York Times article about the effect heirlooms have on on our lives entitled “How to Lose a Legacy” by Ellen Lupton. Humorous, colorful, timely – this article [...]

Expanding and Contracting

I adore this line by the poet Rumi: “Your deepest presence is in every small contraction and expansion, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as bird wings.” As it relates [...]

Going with the Flow

“Nothing that you want is upstream….The stream of well-being is a powerful stream… When your stream is moving fast, and you’re not flowing with it, it’s beating you [...]

Living the Answers

This is the last in a series of posts* on reinventing ourselves, excerpted from Your Spacious Self. Enjoy!   Quitting the career and job that defined me for two decades detailed in the last [...]