An old Cherokee chief is teaching his grandson about life: “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil [...]
How important is it to have a clean house? How do you juggle a demanding job and a family and still have the time for basic chores like cleaning? My sister Martha, a hospice nurse and mom to a [...]
January 1. 2010. Ten minutes past midnight. New Year’s Resolutions are not really my thing. My style is more like that of painter: broader brushstrokes, organic and impressionistic. I love [...]
I’m not an astrologer, forecaster, or an diviner of the future. But readings which offer perspective and practical insight about the times in which we live get my attention. Based on what [...]
Wondering what a thought cloud is? Set a timer for 60 seconds and write down every thought that goes through your mind without censoring it. Phrases, single words, repetitive grunts, random [...]
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strong pull of what you really love.” – Rumi One of my biggest ah-has in the clearing journey has been this one: It’s all well and good to [...]
November is like the middle child, caught between the October’s extroverted color displays and December’s tingly lightness. November in New England is the unspectacular sibling, [...]
Sleeping in… on a supremely cooshy bed, with soft sheets, and the perfect pillow. Sipping a fabulous cup of coffee in a sunny window seat from a mug that I cradle with both hands. Taking [...]
The blues went away when I began to honor my long-postponed dream/desire/obsession with going back to school to finish an interrupted bachelor’s degree. Thirty some years later I enrolled [...]
Spacious. I love that it begins with the letters “Spa”…as in where you go to feel good. Main Entry: spa·cious Pronunciation: ˈspā-shəs Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English, [...]