No Home, No Have

“How we hold the simplest of our tasks speaks loudly about how we hold life itself. – Gunilla Norris, Being Home “I once saw a staggering statistic in Newsweek: ‘It takes the average [...]

Cultivating Simplicity

Here’s something I don’t understand: Seeing a drainer full of dry dishes getting piled onto by a layer of wet ones because nobody bothers to put away the original set. Am I the only [...]

Sixty-Second Clearing To Calm the Mind

What’s going through your mind? What I mean is… What are you thinking about? Right this second. Do you have 35 things spinning around in your head at the same time? Are you skimming [...]

The Cost of Clutter

Ever wonder what all those extra bottles of shampoo you hang onto (just in case) cost in REAL dollars? Throw in the creams, gels, half-used tubes of toothpaste, and make-up that looked really [...]

Do Nothing: Reflections on the Art of Non-Doing

Part 5 of 5 Why is it that whenever someone catches us doing nothing, we immediately jump to our feet so that we’re not perceived as total time-wasting deadbeats? If that is something you [...]

Refresh (and Beautify) with Water

Part 4 of 5 Drinking good water (half your body weight in ounces every day) is like hitting the refresh button on your body…And the fourth way to ease the side-effects of clearing.* [...]