Peace is Possible

Peace is Possible A group spent days visiting with the Dalai Lama focusing upon what they believe are five most important questions to be considered. The five questions were: 1. How do we address [...]

Sixty-Second Clearing To Calm the Mind

What’s going through your mind? What I mean is… What are you thinking about? Right this second. Do you have 35 things spinning around in your head at the same time? Are you skimming [...]

The Cost of Clutter

Ever wonder what all those extra bottles of shampoo you hang onto (just in case) cost in REAL dollars? Throw in the creams, gels, half-used tubes of toothpaste, and make-up that looked really [...]

What is SpaceClear?

It’s the name of my private teaching and consulting practice. You see I’m in the business of “healing” homes and the people who occupy them. SpaceClear is the name of my Web site, a domain name I [...]