To Laugh or To Cry

Sometimes life delivers a perfect storm of disasters that are so bad they’re funny. It’s almost like the Universe is doing a koochie-koo to get us to take ourselves less seriously. My [...]

Signs of Change

Can you feel it too? There’s something in the air – and it’s not just that my most favorite show on television So You Think You Can Dance had its best finale ever [read: out of body [...]

Why You Matter

“You are the truth from foot to brow. Now, what else would you like to know?” – Rumi There’s a blogger I’ve been following named Seth Godin. I like the way he thinks. I [...]

Graduation (aka Letting Go)

My eighteen-year-old “baby” graduates from high school tomorrow. I’ve been surprisingly okay all week. No pangs, no tightening of the throat, no water works. Until yesterday. I [...]

A Simple Clearing Practice You Can Do (Right Now)

“If this clearing technique doesn’t seem like it accomplishes very much, that’s because from the mind’s point of view, it doesn’t. This exercise is designed to access a deeper inner knowing [...]

Space Clearing: Compassion is Key

“Stress patterns that keep our homes, workplaces, and lives in a constant state of imbalance have a way of vaporizing in the presence of pure, elegant compassion.” –sbv Part 6 of 7 * [...]

Life-Changing Magic

“I just found your site after doing the KonMari method. Loved her method because it got rid of the stuff I did not need. However, I am looking back at the categories and find that I need to [...]