“What if a thought is an actual thing, a measurable entity, with a measurable mass?… Well… if a thought has mass, then a thought exerts gravity and can pull things towards it.” –Dan Brown, The [...]
“I get what I think about whether I want it or not.” –Wayne Dyer In my last post I shared an excerpt from my book Your Spacious Self. Here’s the continuation. Enjoy! Clearing [...]
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”—Wayne Dyer I thought I’d do a series of posts on the power of thoughts beginning with a couple of [...]
Another take on “clutter.” * Like I say: It’s not about the clutter, or the clearing. It’s how we relate to the experience – the place where real living happens. Enjoy [...]
Being gentle sounds so simple on paper, yet I can think of many ways that I can be unconsciously unkind to myself. I even have a name for my not-so-gentle side: “Hilda.” As in [...]
Question from a student: “I was wondering, when you began clearing did everything in your home feel like it needed to be cleared? This feeling is so overwhelming at times. I physically [...]
You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather. –Pema Chödrön I often use the metaphor of the weather to teach a key principle of letting go I call spacious detachment. It [...]
September. It’s my favorite month of the year. More than just it being one of the most beautiful and bountiful months in New England where I live, September has always been a time of shift [...]
“It’s the desire—not its fulfillment—that nourishes you, because it’s the language of your heart. When you listen to that language, you hear your self.”–Geneen Roth If you [...]
Another good question came the other day: I am following your practice of clearing one item each day. My question for you is what about the stuff that comes into your home- like mail? I can never [...]