Lean In

“Move closer, lean in, get curious; even for a moment, experience the feelings without labels, beyond being good or bad. Welcome them. Invite them. Do anything that helps melt the [...]

Starting Again is A Gain

“Ten thousand flowers in spring, the moon in autumn, a cool breeze in summer, snow in winter.  If your mind isn’t clouded by unnecessary things – this is the best season of your [...]

Happy New You!

“Earth is crammed with heaven.” –Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Dear Friends, If you’re reading this it means that the world did not end on December 21st as predicted in the Mayan [...]

Soul Food

While I waited, bleary eyed and cranky, I proceeded to do what I always do while the coffee brews: I took the clean dishes out of the drainer, one at a time and put them away. On this particular [...]

Celebrating Change

Dear Friends,* It was my husband who said over dinner once: “Change happens slowly, then all at once.” That one line just about sums up my life this year. In late February, I was [...]

It’s Soul Calling

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”–Mary Oliver. Dear Friends, In two weeks I depart for Spain to co-present a women’s retreat and teach [...]