Expressing Gratitude is Clearing

Wondering what a one-minute practice of conscious gratitude might look like, I posed it as a question to myself one morning before getting out of bed. What popped up was the directive to “thank [...]

Spacious Check-In

On a scale of 1-10, ten being kind to your self, how is your day going so far? There’s a post in the gorgeous Life by Me blog called “Celebration.” In it the author describes a [...]

It’s Soul Calling

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”–Mary Oliver. Dear Friends, In two weeks I depart for Spain to co-present a women’s retreat and teach [...]

Start Where You Are – Two

“I want to shed my waste with quiet reverence like the pine…Keep me mindful of what I take into my home, the items brought to substitute for real living… Help me slowly to surrender all excess.” [...]