One-Minute to Flow

“Moving beyond my amateur doggy paddle. Learned the breast stroke today.”–Oprah Yes even the most famous and masterful among us push through resistance and fear to overcome a personal [...]

I Am…Inspired

There’s a documentary that is making the rounds that I can’t wait to see. It’s called I Am. The director Tom Shadyac, was living the rich and famous dream life of a Hollywood [...]

Born to Be Wild, Messy, and Marvelous

“Here’s how I became myself: mess, failure, mistakes, disappointments, and extensive reading; limbo, indecision, setbacks, addiction, public embarrassment, and endless conversations [...]

Taking the High Road

Here’s what I’m wondering today: What helps you move from that place I call “Not-knowing”… to… Knowing…? You know… that crossroad-y place we find [...]