“It’s the desire—not its fulfillment—that nourishes you, because it’s the language of your heart. When you listen to that language, you hear your self.”–Geneen Roth If you [...]
I received this note from a friend on Facebook the other day: “What do you charge to come out and HELP!!!??? I don’t even have time to read your book (which I DID buy) or the blog. [...]
I love pleasant surprises. I got a really nice one the other day in the form of an unsolicited review for my book. This one is by someone named Austin S. on Goodreads. I don’t know who [...]
Another good question came the other day: I am following your practice of clearing one item each day. My question for you is what about the stuff that comes into your home- like mail? I can never [...]
“Respond to every call that excites your spirit.” -Rumi I just returned from a glorious two-weeks in France and Italy, compliments of dear friends who invited us, and many [...]
Dan Pink, best-selling author of A Whole New Mind, confirmed this staggering statistic I’d heard some years ago as part of my research for Your Spacious Self: “The self-storage [...]
Try this experiment: Watch the 3-minute video below and see if adopting a simple daily practice in home tending doesn’t help bring new energy into your home and life. Even better: Set an [...]
I was inspired by this post, so I asked the author if I could share it with you all. Here’s Sara’s story of making friends with clutter and clearing: Space Clearing, The Last Frontier [...]
“We can only clear to the degree that we are willing to feel our feelings.” –sbv If you took a workshop with me, you ‘d learn that to clear anything – from a messy desktop to [...]
“Nothing that you want is upstream….The stream of well-being is a powerful stream… When your stream is moving fast, and you’re not flowing with it, it’s beating you [...]