Being gentle sounds so simple on paper, yet I can think of many ways that I can be unconsciously unkind to myself. I even have a name for my not-so-gentle side: “Hilda.” As in [...]
There’s is a message in Cheryl Richardson’s book The Art of Extreme Self Care that I’ve found super valuable as a pathway to spaciousness. She says that if you want to cultivate [...]
Question from a student: “I was wondering, when you began clearing did everything in your home feel like it needed to be cleared? This feeling is so overwhelming at times. I physically [...]
You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather. –Pema Chödrön I often use the metaphor of the weather to teach a key principle of letting go I call spacious detachment. It [...]
Another good question came the other day: I am following your practice of clearing one item each day. My question for you is what about the stuff that comes into your home- like mail? I can never [...]
How many times have you gone into a big warehouse store feeling just fine and come out totally depleted? Or, maybe you’re standing in the checkout line of your supermarket and suddenly feel a [...]
When I read the Preface to a wonderful little book called Being Home by Gunilla Norris, I realized that my love of doing repetitive housekeeping tasks, like washing the dishes or putting away the [...]
“We can only clear to the degree that we are willing to feel our feelings.” –sbv If you took a workshop with me, you ‘d learn that to clear anything – from a messy desktop to [...]
As I see it, there are two ways to go about clearing the disturbing effects of a major ecological disaster: Clearing from a place of fear, judgment, and blame. Clearing from a place of deep [...]
“An organized clutter of thoughts consumed me – pulled me through the fog of grief that had settled….and then the memorial was done. There was nothing left to organize, nothing left to [...]