Welcome! The three books you see in the photo, together with four online courses on DailyOM, represent twenty years of study, teaching, decoding, distilling, and encapsulating into one digestible, game-changing method called the Spacious Way.

If you wonder what makes this clearing method effective, how these resources fit together, which books to read first or courses to take, how to start a clearing support book group… below you’ll find my answers to some frequently asked questions.

For easy search, these questions are organized into these five categories and described below:

  • The Method
  • Book and Program Differences
  • Managing Overwhelm
  • DailyOM Troubleshooting
  • Other

The Method

What exactly is the Spacious Way?

The Spacious Way is a proven method of clearing that works from the inside out to release physical, mental, and emotional clutter for good. The process is slow and measured (on purpose) to reduce overwhelm, release attachments, and promote real ease. By addressing the underlying causes of clutter, instead of focusing on a quick fix, is what ultimately leads to personal transformation and lasting change.

The Spacious Way changes the paradigm from effort to ease. It offers a whole new way to clear that is simple, feels good, and lasts.

How did the method come to be?

When I began my career as a space clearing practitioner and teacher in 1996, I was troubled by the growing epidemic of stress and stuff that has become the reality in our culture and our world. With all the resources and support available to us, I wondered why most clearing methods, though well-intentioned, were falling short of helping people clear for good. Why did they always feel so tedious, onerous, and joyless? Why didn’t they last? It took me twenty years to break the code: to answer those questions, field-test them, and develop a whole new method that can address an epidemic that could bury us alive.

The result is the Spacious Way: a conscious distillation of space clearing, modern science, mindfulness, and Kaizen: the Japanese concept of small steps leading to big changes through continuous improvement.

How does the method work?

Think pathway, not destination. With five essential steps – slowing down, simplifying, sensing, surrendering, and self-care, it takes you on a journey of peeling away the layers. Instead of “attacking” the stress, “getting rid” of the stuff, and “overcoming” the overwhelm, as most methods teach, the Spacious Way works more gently to release the underlying causes – the patterns, resistances, attachments – of anything that holds us back. One minute of “slow drip” clearing morphs into more minutes, less effort, and less baggage. It promotes a calmer nervous system, a quieter mind, more ease, more space, more light, more joy.

In a very counter-intuitive and paradoxical way, we need to go slow in order to go fast.

Will your books and programs help me organize my house and get rid of things?

Though many of the lessons focus on your home and possessions, you will not be getting a “how to” tutorial on organizing them. Marie Kondo and Flylady are much better suited for that. What you will get from me instead is an opportunity to take your clearing to a deeper level: to peel away the layers of stress and stuff that have caused your home and your life to get so out of balance in the first place. My books and programs are designed to lighten your load from the inside out – slowly and gently – in ways that lead to lasting change.

I would love to start a Zoom book group with one of your books. Which one do you recommend we start with?

Great question! As a former high school teacher, all of my programs have been designed with self-study in mind. And there is no better way to come out of the proverbial “cluttered closet” than to share your clearing stories with other big hearts who are on the same page as you.

If you’re new to this work, I might suggest you begin with my first book, Your Spacious Self. In the back of the book you will find six weekly discussion topics and meeting guidelines that lend themselves nicely to a six-week clearing support group. Click here to help you get started.

A Year to Clear and A Year for You lend themselves nicely too, especially if you’re in it for the long term, and could use a clearing buddy or accountability partner to stay on track.

If you’re curious to learn more about the exponential effects of clearing with others, how to start a group of your own at home or via Zoom with one or more friends, which books would best suit your group, I have created a whole section on my website on the subject. Click “clearing circle book group” to learn more HERE.


Book and Program Differences

What is the difference between the three BOOKS in the photo?

Here’s how they stack up, as it were:

    1. Your Spacious Self is the ultimate guide to a whole new, simpler, way to clear. Now in its 10th anniversary edition, it gives you the concepts, science, and practical tools behind my proven “slow drip” method of clearing anything that holds you back.
    2. A Year to Clear is the journey. It applies the principles from the first book, and walks with you every day for 365 days as you peel away the layers of stress and stuff and ease into new ways of being.
    3. A Year for You is the practice. With its 52 weekly lessons, it maintains and deepens the clearing experience by focusing on five actionable steps (aka, the five S’s) that reinforce a nourishing way of life: slowing down, simplifying, sensing, surrendering, and self-care. You’ll discover that steeping in this process for a full year is not a diet, it’s a feast!

While I would recommend you read these in the order shown above, it is not necessary. Each book stands on its own. They can be read in any order, separately or at the same time. They also serve as wonderful companions to the online courses on DailyOM (see below). All together they gently help you experience more of who you are, in ways that are easy, fun, and lasting.

What are the differences between your four ONLINE COURSES on DailyOM, and how to they compare to your books?

There are four online courses on DailyOM to help you cultivate the Spacious Way. While the books seem to match the online courses, they are not carbon copies. The books are expanded versions of the courses and have a lot more content that you won’t find in the courses.

Here’s how the online courses stack up, and ways you can play using the books as companions to support you in your journey:

    1. Clear Your Home, Clear Your Life – 28-day course – gives you a taste of the clearing experience. If you’re new at this work or not sure how much you want to commit, it’s a good place to start. With lessons, audio meditations, and practices that build on each other, you receive an email in your inbox for 28 days. It is also a perfect companion to the book Your Spacious Self.
    2. A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back! – 365-day course – is a journey designed to transform your clearing (and your life). With over 150,000 participants, it is the most popular course. While this course and the book A Year to Clear appear to be two versions of the same thing, they are actually different. The course eases you into the “slow drip” clearing experience by delivering core teachings, audios, and videos in your email inbox every day. The book with double the content (personal stories, practices, and inspirational wisdom), expands and deepens the work. That said, there is no reason not to do them at the same time as long as they don’t make you feel overwhelmed. Each reinforces the other nicely.
    3. Clearing Physical and Emotional Clutter – 365-day course – is a five-step journey to help maintain and deepen your clearing practice. If you’re looking for a “Year 2 Clear” or a deeper dive into the 5 Steps to Spaciousness (the 5 S’s) – slowing down, simplifying, sensing, surrendering, and self-care – to reinforce clearing as a way of life, this course is for you. It is also a perfect companion to the book A Year for You.
    4. A Year to Simplify Your Life – 52-week course – is an abbreviated version of the previous course (see #3). It is designed to nourish your clearing practice and reinforce clearing as a way of life. Unlike the 365-day “smaller bites” courses, this yearlong course is more like a “rich meal” that you savor and integrate more slowly and contemplatively – one week at a time. If you’ve completed the courses above, this course is a perfect refresher, especially if you combine it with the book A Year for You.

Again, like with all my books, these online courses stand alone and can be taken in any order.

There is a lot of good material here but it feels like more than I can handle and stick with. Can you suggest a more directed approach that would help me stay on track and get the most out of your work?

You bet!  If you’re ready to play a the big game, the long game, with clearing that will lead to lasting change, I have created a three-part guided self-study program you can follow either on your own or with others as part of clearing circle. It is designed to help you stay on track, “slow drip” your way to success, and really grow your spacious muscle. Learn more about the guided self-study program.


Managing Overwhelm

I need help now! I don’t have time to slow down. How do I effectively use your programs when I need to tackle letting go more quickly?

‘Tackle’ is not where it’s at with this work. And you cannot rush ‘letting go.’ Sorry.

The name of the game here is to “go slow to go fast.” If this seems contradictory, let me explain: We cannot release stress and clutter when we are in a constant state of alert and overwhelm. Sure, you can go on a clearing binge of your living space and see where it gets you. In the end you might discover that fast-tracking works against you. It won’t make a dent on clearing the patterns and habits that got you stuck in the first place, nor lead to lasting change. Follow the courses as they were designed. Do the exercises. Journal. Take it one day at a time.

If you could use a more directed approach, click HERE

There is so much here to process. I’m so overwhelmed. Where do I even begin?

Here’s what I can tell you about this journey, summarized into three simple truths: We cannot clear our clutter with the same mindset that created it. For clearing to last, we need to slow down and put ourselves first. Clearing is not about freeing up some space, it’s about freeing you!

If you are willing to go the distance, make a commitment to yourself, and play a much bigger game with clearing in your life, what I recommend you try my “slow drip” approach. It will reduce the overwhelm and lead to changes you can’t even imagine. All you have to do is say yes and take the first step. Learn more HERE.


DailyOM Troubleshooting

I bought and paid for the online course, but have not received my daily emails. What should I do?

Sorry you’re having trouble. Although I created the course, I do not handle the technical or administrative side of things. Check your junk mail first and see if they’re there. If they are, you can restore them internally through you email provider. If they’re not there, CLICK HERE.

I want my emails to go to a different email address. What should I do?

Contact DailyOM’s Help Page HERE. They are very helpful!

I’m having trouble accessing the course. Can you help me?

Use your email to sign in and password you used to sign up. I recommend you bookmark the page for future ease. If that doesn’t help, click HERE.


What is clutter, exactly? How did you get into space clearing? What do you think of Marie Kondo?

For my answers to your questions about clutter, clearing, and my own personal journey with this work, click HERE

Does clearing ever end?

As I’ve said many times (and will repeat until the end of time), cultivating a spacious way of life is a journey that never ends. It gets better! All you have to do is to stay on the path and keep going and your life will change.

If you were to share one piece of wisdom, what would it be?

The bottom line and best news is this: the more of us walking this path, consciously doing our little bit to lighten our load, effectively lightens the load for others. And the lighter we feel, the easier and more fun it becomes. Imagine what that can do to change the world – all of us traveling with a common purpose and spacious mission. Let’s change the game, shall we? Let’s build the clearing energy together!

Learn more

For more information about me and other resources designed to cultivate a clear home and spacious life, go the header bar at the top of this page.

Still overwhelmed?

Click HERE